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National Crochet Month: Day One

For me, every month is crochet month, but did you know that March is actually National Crochet Month? Juste like every year, I'm taking part in a photo challenge launched by my francophone crochet group Francrochet, until March 31st. It's in French, but honestly we're all pretty much bilingual, so join us if you'd like!

Where does crochet month come from?

National Crochet Month, or NatCroMo, was created in the United States in 2000. It was an initiative of the Crochet Guild of America, who wanted to promote this type of fiber arts, while National Craft Month was established since 1994 to celebrate the creativity of crafting in a more general way.

In 2017, ACCROchet brought this concept to the French-speaking world. Mars, mois du crochet was born as a monthly photo challenge where everyone is invited to partake.

You are invited to a photo challenge!

The photo challenge should not be stressful. The idea is to have fun and spark conversations about crochet, every day in March. Valerie, the designer behind Inspire création, came up with the themes for this year's edition.

You can participate once a day or just when you feel inspired, take new pictures or use old ones: you do you!

Don't forget to use the #natcromo or #marsmoisducrochet!

March 1: FIRST

Today's theme is FIRST so I decided to tell you about the Classic Dishcloth, which is the first product I ever sold in my Etsy store, but also the first pattern I designed.

woman seating on bed crocheting
(c) Clouzote

The story behind this rag is that my grandma used to knit them a lot. As of today, I still have a lot of her dishcloths, even though she passed away 5 years ago. Those rags last forever! I crocheted a bunch of dishcloths in 2019 because I was just starting to get the hang of crocheting and it was a simple project to get me started and get quick results. I crocheted 1 dishcloth every lunch hour at the office and it was actually some colleagues who suggested I open an Etsy shop... which happened in July 2019.

I still have some dishcloths in stock, but not for long. Buy yours here before I take them out forever. It's the PERFECT host or housewarming gift.

yellow cotton dishcloth folded
(c) Isabelle Jetté

In January 2020, I was interested in pattern design and wrote the Classic Dishcloth's pattern. Fun fact: I had read online that it was important to have your pattern tested, so I had... 24 people testing my pattern 😅. I've learned my lesson well since then.

To make your own dishcloths, the pattern is on Etsy or Ravelry.

The theme for today's photo was a natural fit for me since the word First had so many connections to my business.

Follow me on Instagram to see my interpretation of upcoming themes and join the crochet conversation with #marsmoisducrochet 🧶


What is Francrochet?

It's a group of professional designers and creators who aim to promote crochet, in French. I've been a member since the beginning of Les Mailles à Mailloux and it has helped grow my business so much! Having a network of people who understand you is so important when you get into business.

fière membre du collectif francrochet

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Ravelry (patterns)

Etsy (patterns and creations)


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